Sunday 25 January 2015

KOLAM - an art

(In pictures below: Kolams drawn by children of D.K.'s)

Kolam is an art followed in south India. They draw kolams in front of the house using rice flour, to be eaten by birds and ants. These days the tradition is slowly deteriorating. This could be due to three reasons: flat system, no time, and last but not the least convertism. 

When I was a child we used to see people coming out early in the morning in the cold during the month of December” margazhi” and draw huge kolams inn front of the house. I remember helping my friend’s sister do that we used to gather in large numbers to finish that.

But hardly these are seen in front of houses. Actually kolam drawing is an art. It is maths in itself, there is the concept of symmetry, counting, joining the dots at the exact position. It was an occupational therapy in itself. It encouraged fine motor skills, eye tracking, tolerance and creative thinking. and visual learning.
So let us go beyond religion and culture and encourage this art. This is in no way connected to hinduism or godliness or anything. It has an aesthetic sense. 

Our institute encourages children to draw kolams and I was amazed that muslim children took interest in learning it and drew good kolams. They felt it was easy to draw in a sheet of paper but found it difficult in space orientation on the ground. So let us encourage this art and go beyond religion to encourage it.
This I have experienced has helped many dyslexic children become better readers and their hand writing have improved.
So kolams why not!!!!!

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