Wednesday 26 August 2015

Onam Celebrations At School

                       - festivals are happy occasions

the teachers of D.K's Learning centre 
 the "poo kolam" done by students and teachers of D.K.'s learning centre

learning can occur anywhere, any place and anytime 

poo kolam  --  20% completed

poo kolam  --  40% completed


poo kolam  --  90% completed

paying respects to the festival and the hard work involved in making the magnificent kolam

the teachers trying their best to keep up with the students' work.......

guess it was hard for 'em


     nendharanga chips,ada pradhaman and other kerala spl.s tried out by the students and teachers of D.K.'s

Dreams by Dr. Thiruvikram & Ms. Christina Deepa

As I was waiting in a doctor's clinic, I found something very interesting. An article on dreams.