Saturday, 22 March 2014

Super Brain Yoga: our own "THOPUKKARANAM"

Super Brain Yoga: our own "THOPUKKARANAM"

It is not an easy task to make a child with hyper activity to sit in a place for more than 5 minutes. We in school tried all methods possible to achieve this. But nothing worked out. Then something struck me.

I read somewhere in the internet saying - Super Brain Yoga is now famous and the most preferred treatment/ exercise in foreign countries”. This Super Brain Yoga is nothing but our very own "THOPUKKARANAM". Our Indian ancestors believed and have shared to our generation this extremely rejuvenating exercise as part of our daily habit, which we do while praying Lord Ganesha. In this globalised world, we have almost forgotten our own cultural and religious strengths that safeguard and develop anything and everything. And one such valuable asset is Thopukkaranam.

The outcome of making our children do Thopukkaranam was astonishing. We could see tremendous change in them. Children, who never settled for any exercise using modern technology, settled when Thoppukkaranam was made a part of our daily activity. We started doing this as a group therapy in our school.  It is a universal fact that we never realize the value of anything which we have unless we see others getting benefitted out of it.

Here is a video link showing a doctor (not an Indian) explaining the benefits of doing Super Brain Yoga, our own THOPUKKARANAM. Watch from 0.33 mins.

-Special Educator
(D.K.'s Learning Centre)

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